Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas Eve

Feeling better now and excited to celebrate Christmas with my favorite boys. Grateful and blessed.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Halfway done!

I'm super glad to be halfway done with this chemo. Going into this second round with the stomach flu was not ideal but hey, I'm surviving. Feeling pretty down today...weepy, emotional, sad. I really hate all this. Christmas is right around the corner and I feel so unprepared yet I have no energy to do anything about it. I've made no cookies. We haven't even taken Ry to go see Santa yet. Ugh. I'm just frustrated. I'm completely  bald now too. I know I'm just having a down day and it will pass. Chin up, B! You can do this!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Side effects are real...damn.

Today I feel like crap. That Neulasta shot has made my whole body hurt...specifically my jaw, teeth, ears, head, chest, hips, legs, ribs, lower back, shins...yeah pretty much all over. Mouth sores a little bit too. I don't want to be whiny and down but sometimes reality is reality. This too shall pass. FUCK CANCER.