Saturday, December 1, 2012

Side effects are real...damn.

Today I feel like crap. That Neulasta shot has made my whole body hurt...specifically my jaw, teeth, ears, head, chest, hips, legs, ribs, lower back, shins...yeah pretty much all over. Mouth sores a little bit too. I don't want to be whiny and down but sometimes reality is reality. This too shall pass. FUCK CANCER.


  1. You are 100% less whiny than I would be in your position. Hope the side effects wear off quickly, I wish that I knew how to make them better!

  2. Am with Carrie. I'd be a blubbery mess. And you know, that's ok too. You don't always have to be tough and positive and perky. We love you every way! Xoxo.

  3. I concur, I would be weeping like a baby, this will pass, and you will be able to say, WOW, i am through with THAT! Sending love...

  4. Microwavable hot pads, pain meds use them on all your big bones, like pelvis sternum back etc, the neulasta is the worst. I kept telling myself the worse I felt, the better the chemo was working. Some fucked up defense mechanism huh? I think about you so much, and wish I could take it away. S

  5. After a really rough 3 weeks (e. coli blood infection as my immune system collapsed 3 days after my 3rd treatment, then 7 days in the hospital REALLY sick, and 10 days at home recuperating before feeling just OK for a few days) I had my LAST treatment on Wednesday. WHEW. I'm trying to be really good about fluids and meds for this last go-round, but doc says the fatigue is likely to be the worst so far. Still, I am 100 PERCENT DONE with this chemo shit. And you will be too! Thinking of you a lot. GENIE
