Sunday, October 14, 2012

Bye bye boobie in 2 weeks

Super quick update:

I still have cancer...but not for long you sadistic little fucker! Mastectomy is scheduled - October 30th. One night in the hospital, released on Halloween. Hmm...built in costume of sorts.

Many of you have expressed interest in helping out with meals - thank you!! This asking for help business is not in my nature but I think I'm going to have to get over that and just say yes please and thank you. I know there are websites out there that help coordinate that whole thing, yes? If someone wanted to spearhead that I would really appreciate it. (that was hard but I'm working on it)

I love my friends!!! I can't say it enough - I have the most unbelievable people in my life and I am so fortunate. Thank you doesn't begin to cover it.


  1. I've set up a meal delivery thing before with It's super easy. If you want to give me a list of your buddies emails, I'd happily set it up :)

  2. Holly, I'm in!

    Brandy, I hope this decision brings you some peace and lots of hope. You are going to kick this shit to the curb.

  3. Thanks Holly! Count me in: :)

    Love you B!

  4. Will be thinking of you and will call once you have a chance to get home. I'll give Dave a call to see how you are doing. Love you!! Stay brave and knife that tumor in the ass!

  5. Hey Brandy, Just swallow that whole pride thing and let people take care of you while you take care of yourself. I am signing Greg up for cancer curry:) Please message me if you have any specific surgery questions. If you need strength just look in the mirror it is right there. XOXO, S
